Everyone in the IMRF family is deeply saddened to hear that a lifeboat belonging to Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (SNSM) has overturned during a SAR operation off the west coast of France, with the loss of three crew members.

Our thoughts are with our colleagues in SNSM and all those affected by this tragedy. 

You may be aware that the French authorities are planning a nationwide tribute to the members of the Société Nationale De Sauvetage En Mer (SNSM) lifeboat Crew, who were tragically lost during a SAR operation last Friday. 
The tribute will take place at 1030 BST tomorrow, 13 June. You may wish to consider joining in the tribute, by holding a one minute's silence at your own lifeboat stations or offices, as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives.

IMRF will also be holding a minute's silence at the beginning of the World Maritime Rescue Congress on 16 June, as a mark of respect.